The Wonder of Christmas

  Everyone says Christmas is a time of wonder. Well, I have a few wonderings of my own…..   I wonder why Matthew chose to include several mothers in the genealogy of Jesus. Did he have a special bond with his own mom? (Matthew 1:1-17)   I wonder why the two gospel genealogies deviate at the sons of David. One …

The Focus of Christmas

    “He’s not still a baby.”   Here in this season where we remember the birth of Christ, it’s sometimes hard to remember the grown up Jesus that we serve.    Maybe it’s easier to adore a tender baby than a mature Spirit.    God is Spirit and those that worship Him must do so with their spiritual being …


    Christmastime is a good occasion to “be still and know” just Who is in charge.   Despite our seasonal moments of quiet and joy, there are inevitable times of pettiness and selfishness. It seems that the expectation and busyness of the holidays squeeze reality out of us. And too often that includes our impurities.    After 50-plus Christmases, …