Plan of Action

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The holidays are over and the New Year is pending. 


Unfortunately, words like financial uncertainty, natural disaster, and questionable politics seem to dominate our future.


If you like, you can focus on these anxious variables or we can choose to turn to Rock Solid Truth. The latter is how I’ve selected to begin the New Year. 


Wanna join me?


Located smack-dab in the middle of Jesus’ mountaintop sermon, Matthew 6:25-34 is a rich source of hope for troubled minds like ours. 


Evidently, our Lord knew that we would have a problem with anxiety. He actually mentions some form of the word at least six times in this part of His discourse.


He tells us not to worry several times, but then as if knowing that we would have a tendency to do so anyway – He gives us a positive action plan:


Seek first His Kingdom” (Matthew 6:33). 


So just what is this Kingdom anyway?


As we look into the Greek, we find the word “basileia” meaning the spiritual dimension and dominion of God


(Okay, time out.)


Just how often do you focus your thoughts on the spiritual dimension rather than our physical one? 


Your small business is getting hit with extra insurance fees – 


  • Is your first thought “How am I going to pay for it?”
  • Or do you think of your Dad, Who owns the universe (Psalm 50:10-12)?


You’ve just had another baby and looks like you’ll have to do with less than what your family made last year – 


  • Is your first thought “Where else can we cut back?”
  • Or do you purposely recall all of the times that the Lord has brought you thus far?


Paul knew the secret:


For momentary, light affliction (illnesses, unexpected job change, natural disaster) is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen (bills, lay-offs, stressors), but at the things which are not seen (Truth of His Word, His dependability throughout history, our adoption status into His family)…” (2 Corinthians 4:16-17).


Stop for just a moment. Zone in on that one thing that you “worry” about often.


Got it? Okay, this is Exhibit A. 


Now, think of God’s one characteristic that you know to be absolutely true. (Loving? Personal? Caring? Dependable? You name it.)


This is your Reminder B.


Now beginning today, whenever Exhibit A storms into your emotions or thoughts, make a determined effort to replace it with Reminder B. You can use songs, memory cards, verse fragments, prayers….whatever it takes to push out A with B. 


My “A” is the upcoming election. My “B” is God’s faithfulness.


So, tell me – what are yours?


