Your Pilot Light of Prayer

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Before time existed, the Fire burned. This blazing Fire ignites character, consuming one and sparking another into a warm glow. Those that stand the test of fire kindle into a pinpoint of light to shine within darkness. They themselves are not the Fire but re-present the Flame, like an ever-ready pilot light.

You are that pilot light. Small but unquenchable, you remain on standby with light. Daily, needs and requests pass before you, but not all are for you. You only glow as you see the Fire directing and only flame brighter when He guides.

Your wavering wick is not the only flicker, for the Fire alights others who come near His heat. He gives each their own blue flame, which He regulates at will. Your pilot burner should never flare up with self-initiative at perceived obligations. Only He will adjust your flame. 

Our glimmering element remains glowing only when fed by His unending source. We will burn out when we blaze into action because of self-enterprising action. Clearly, there is a great difference between responsibility and the ability to respond. Endless exhaustion evidences a blocked line, while effortless essence confirms an eternal reservoir. No wonder we are to stop striving and simply know the Consuming Fire.

Awareness of the pilot light is the key to praying without ceasing. Because He lit the flame within us, we continually burn with the Fire of His altar. No matter how feeble, every flicker of prayer counts as a sweet-smelling aroma before His Flame. With even the frailest of words, our perpetual incense satisfies the Fire. 

Offer incense with me:

Holy Fire, thank You for igniting a flame within me. Hitherto, my flicker has seemed so small. Yet today, I’m reminded that sourced in You, it remains unquenchable. Hallelujah. Thank You for “this little light of mine.” Teach me how to let it shine.

Grant me peace to know when a need is mine to kindle and when You have purposed it for another. I desire to burn clearly and brightly without the smothering blanket of self-motivation. Remind me daily of my Source.

Thank You for Your unceasing ability to respond in prayer. You not only add to the amount of my incense but also abundantly multiply its effectiveness. Indeed, “Who among us can live with the consuming fire? Who among us can live with continual burning? ” (Isaiah 33:14- 15). Thank You for sending the Fire Who became flesh to ignite us with Your righteousness. With His Flame, we burn, Amen.”