The Kingdom Bin

Timidly, I stood at the entryway, peering into the light. With a tiny seed of tremulous faith, I stepped inside while my eyes adjusted to the radiance. I paused and noticed that beside me, just inside the door, sat a large box heaped with various items.  The contents caught my eye because of the value of the assorted items. From …

Mind Reset

Like revolving skyward on a spiral escalator, my thoughts ascend to the realm of the Kingdom. “First things first,” I hear upon entry, for Kingdom matters are of utmost importance here. Rather than allowing lower things to feed anxiety into my mind, I turn my restless energy toward seeking Truth above.  Breathing deeply of hope, I loiter among the promises …

Plan of Action

  The holidays are over and the New Year is pending.     Unfortunately, words like financial uncertainty, natural disaster, and questionable politics seem to dominate our future.    If you like, you can focus on these anxious variables or we can choose to turn to Rock Solid Truth. The latter is how I’ve selected to begin the New Year.    Wanna …