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“What? Could you not watch with Me one hour?” (Matthew 26:40 NKJV)

I quickly recognize the scenario. In His most trying hour, our Lord found His closest friends asleep. While He poured out His soul in agony, their eyes closed with exhaustion. I shudder to think of their complacency, but then wonder: does my life exhibit any difference?

“Child, could you not watch with Me one hour?”

I rise in the morning to begin my busy day. Work, family, and finances fill my thoughts as I look past His Word and into my crowded schedule.

“Child, could you not watch with Me one hour?” He calls.

I join others at weekly worship and find my thoughts wandering. I close my Bible, content to return home without realizing I’ve not seen the One I came to glorify.

“Child, could you not watch with Me one hour?” He repeats.

I gather in small group, but there is very little of the Word. Very little prayer. Instead, we tell our stories, check our phones, answer our calls, considering how each needs to slip out early.

“Child, could you not watch with Me one hour?” He rejoins. “Are you still passively prayerless? Get up. It’s time to act.”

His urgency jolts me awake and I stare wide-eyed at the noise of the impending enemy. Lawlessness has increased, and all around me love grows cold (Matthew 24:12). Will the chill touch me? Have I’ve waited too long to begin to watch and pray? My spirit is willing, but my flesh is altogether weak (Matthew 26:41).

I will listen to these lies no longer. I rouse to join the One Who ever lives to make a stand between kingdoms on behalf of man (Hebrews 7:25). He stands in the very Presence of God on my behalf, illumining my darkness (Hebrews 9:24). Will I not be light in my dark portion of the world?

What about you? Will you watch with Him faithfully? Even now, He is nudging you to join Him in prayer.

“Oh Father, may our prayer ‘be counted as incense’ before You (Psalm 144:1). Gather our prayer together with the saints around the globe that the golden bowls may be “full of incense” (Revelation 5:8) and tipping with power. Search our hearts and minds (Revelation 2:23) to find us faithful. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash