Responding in Prayer

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Holy Father,


You spoke yesterday of my need of endurance. Maybe my lack of endurance is partly why You still talk to me about being a listener instead of a talker.


I realize that much of my problem is that I react to people rather than respond to You. You desire that I pause more – breathe more….Reactive anger isn’t from You, huh Lord?


I remember learning that I can’t achieve Your righteousness through my own anger. I have to make the choice of allowing You to act through me – and that choice must be done ahead of time, not once the infuriating situation occurs. 


I need You to transform me both internally and eternally. Nipping my anger isn’t a once and done process, is it? It’s a daily submission to Your influence – a willingness for You to work in the hours ahead of me – no matter what they hold. 


Thank You for planting Yourself –  the Living Word – within me. Active and rapid-growing, You expand into every place You are invited into. Help me to welcome You moment by moment.


Uproot my own thoughts and emotions, so that I can produce Spiritual fruit, not the worthless, fleshly kind. Help me to sort through the words that I hear – and obey the ones that are from You. Allow me to see myself through the eyes of others and use this humiliation to turn again to Your strength


This is a tall order….but You are a big God. Show Yourself strong today.


In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

