Positioning Under the Light

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As you move into your weekend, I have some homework for you. 



First, be readied by the following video. 





Now, push aside some time to spend at least 30 minutes with the Lord in a quiet place for this next exercise. You may read through this now, but want to come back to it later in the weekend as time avails itself.


 1. Remembering the autistic blind boy who could still ask the Father to open the eyes of his heart, ask the Lord to open yours. Pray a simple prayer like this:



“Father, I know that Your Light is made especially to alleviate the dark places. I have many of them in my own life, some of which I am probably not even aware. I want to allow You to expose at least one of those during this time. Lead me through a time of healing as I bring myself underneath Your powerful Light. I bring myself, including my fear of exposure, to You.”


2. Now, faithe Him to do just that. He may bring on old picture to mind. Whatever the first memory, begin to ask Him questions about it. These could include:

    • “What was significant about this memory, Lord?”
    • “What else was going on around me during this time?”
    • “Why have I changed so much since then?”
    • “Where were You when this was happening?”



3. Knowing that He is Light, continue to wait as He grants you enlightenment about the memory or situation. 


4. Write down anything significant that He speaks to you. 


5. Now, ask Him for a healing verse to attach with the memory. (You may need to write the fragment of verse that you can remember and then use a concordance like www.blueletterbible.com to help you locate it – knowing which version the verse in will be helpful as you research. Let me know if you need help.)



He will speak to You. 



“He who is of God hears the Words of God.” (John 8:47). That includes you doesn’t it?



6. Share with someone else the gentle and healing things that He did within you. 



I’m praying for you. 


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