A Gift from Father

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Oh, My sweet child,

Thank you for celebrating My Sent One. I delight in your joy this season. You are falling in line with a great cloud to rejoice more robustly than those who merely witnessed My Son’s birth.

Joy is not a religious experience but being with Me in My Presence. Coming before Me is the way to abundant fulness (Psalm 16:11). Slow down and listen to Me. You will find My Words are the joy and delight of your heart (Jeremiah 15:16).

I realize that the trappings of the season distract you from seeking Me. But where else will you find the strength to continue? “The Joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). You must recharge in my Presence to survive.

Joy is my gift to you (Galatians 5:22). You can’t earn it, manipulate it or conjure it up. As the natural overflow of My Spirit within you, joy is found by simply turning your intentions toward Me. Remember, setting your mind on Me is the way to life and peace (Romans 8:6). You must repeat this faith action often. Even My Son had to keep entrusting Himself to Me during His time on earth, so why do you think it will be different for you (1 Peter 2:23)?

You have heard Me speak to your heart, and you thrill to think these promises could be your reality. Make My joy complete by uniting yourself with My love, My Spirit, and My purposes (Philippians 2:2). Ask for what you need so that I can give abundantly and watch your delight increase (John 16:24). My Son is already praying for you (John 17:13; Hebrews 7:25). Join Him with your prayers.

My Kingdom is full of righteousness, peace, and joy as you rest in My Spirit (Romans 14:17). Need a tangible way to hear Me? Start with reading and rereading Philippians. It’s My joy letter to you. I’ve invited you near (Revelation 3:20), so come, My child. Sit here with Me and let Me exult over you with joy. Let me be quiet in My love to you. Let me rejoice over you with shouts of wonder (Zephaniah 3:17). Even so, My child, come.