“Mama, what do you think is my greatest weakness?” I’d been at junior high camp for the week, and the youth pastor had challenged us to ask this question of someone that knew us well. Who better than my mom, who’d known me all fourteen years? Granted, I was a bit nervous as I awaited her answer. She’d probably say …
A Gift from Father
Oh, My sweet child, Thank you for celebrating My Sent One. I delight in your joy this season. You are falling in line with a great cloud to rejoice more robustly than those who merely witnessed My Son’s birth. Joy is not a religious experience but being with Me in My Presence. Coming before Me is the way to abundant …
Glimpses of a Greater Joy
By: Magen Thetford Last December 26th, a day my husband and I usually love dearly, was spent in tears. I was exhausted. I had run myself into the ground trying to do everything, be everything, host everything and buy everything. I wanted the Christmas season to be full of magic and wonder, and joy for my family. Don’t get me …
More than a Devo
Dear Mentor, The endless reading of devotional books has left my spirit cold. Isn’t there more to this life than the well-written, well-worded thoughts of man? Signed, Searching Dear Searching, Yes. As a matter of fact, there …
So just whose presence are you in?
When we arrive at the table of His Presence, we find the presence of others there as well. The presence of our enemies. Kinda ironic, isn’t it? We made it through the valley of shadows, arrived at our banquet destination, and there they are – the same enemies that were wounding us in the valley. …