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Grow Wool

My anxiety had teeth that day. In the quiet darkness of the early morning, apprehension stealthily lurked in my dreams and poised to strike with the initial ray of the sun. Before my first cup of coffee, my heart was hemorrhaging with fear as the deceitful claws of panic gripped my soul.

I knew the feeling all too well. My adversary, prowling in the unknown, whispered hopelessness, then locked his powerful jaws into my weakness. As I cowered into my day, my emotions continued on the hamster wheel of despair.

Defeatedly, I slunk to breakfast, hoping a little protein would calm my nerves. I reached for my Bible, wishing I knew the verses better. I’d read somewhere that there was a Shepherd in this book Who was greater than the one who was eating me alive.

I thumbed to the concordance: “Shepherd” (n.) and began to search the references. “The Lord is my shepherd.” I’d read that before, but had He ever truly been? “Like a Shepherd, He will tend His flock.” But was this what He would call tending me?I am the good Shepherd.” I’d read that one before. I turned to John 10 to see more.

The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy.” I knew about him. He was the wolf with his fangs in my brain. I was sick of his destruction and tired of his voice.

My sheep hear My voice; I know them, and they follow Me.”

Ok, so I’m a sheep,” I said in prayer. “I don’t think I’m a good one.

Suddenly, I remembered the video of the rescued lamb who immediately ran from the Shepherd and fell into the same predicament. I chuckled. “Ok. So sheep aren’t very smart. What is our purpose, then?

I heard the Shepherd’s voice softly. “To grow wool,” He responded. I thought how ridiculously easy that was for a lamb—it’s like me growing hair.

With the first sign of belief, I began to breathe. The evil jaws on my jugular released their grip as the evil voice turned its tail to truth and ran. I relaxed into hope. “Grow wool,” I smiled. “The Shepherd is near. I can be anxious for nothing(Philippians 4:5-6).

Fear eating you alive? Set aside time to query your Shepherd. Start with binding up any answers from your enemy, then ask Jesus, “What do you want me to know?” Give Him a few minutes of silence, for He always answers.

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