The Testudo

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Remember that image of the shield of faith knocking the enemy off balance? (If you missed it, check out that video here).


Well, the cool thing about our shield of faith is that it can be used collectively. Just check this out:




The testudo. Now, that’s a way to approach enemy lines. And just think, each man within the formation is vitally important. The guy holding his shield over his head is just as vital as the one marching forward in the front. Yet, when you march in faith with the body, you are shielded all around.


Imagine the time these guys spent drilling on this maneuver. They couldn’t afford to wait until the battle to decide to try it out. No, they had to practice and tweak the testudo over and again to get it right.


This is the reason that it’s so important to confess our weakness and sins to one another (James 5:16). Small requests give us the practice time to get our faith formation in place. We struggle together on the small things and thus learn how to strengthen our faith in God’s Word.


Each God-stimulated faith shield holds a protective cover around His people. All too often, we don’t truly go out onto the battlefield of the world with our faith. We may mention Aunt Susie’s headache or grandma’s bursitis, but rarely agree together in faith for our country. Are we truly utilizing the aggressive testudo that we’ve been given?


Do you have a small group that will uplift you in faith? Are you doing the same for them? Spend some time this week seeking the Father on this matter. Let’s be people whose faith confronts the evil one head on in prayer, while always maintaining a quiet and gentle spirit, which is precious in His sight (1 Thessalonians 5:17; 1 Peter 3:4).
