In the surrounding glow of radiance, angels watched with mouths open as their glorious King spoke light into reality. Although these spirit beings lived in an expanse of crystal, enveloped in the incandescence of timeless eternity, they stared with wide-open eyes as the sun, moon, and time appeared. Their ears knew the roar of worship and the hum of wings, but when the sky and sea below filled with fowl, fish, and fauna, they hovered, mesmerized by the power of His enthroned Word.
The utterance of His Voice changed the landscape of their existence forever. Without a stir from His seat, the Divine’s spoken thought sprang life into being. Both His whisper and shout generated His every idea into vitality.
So, it was no wonder that the angels gasped when He stood. His deliberate move signified definite intent. “Let’s make man in Our Image,” God said, with the complete agreement of the reigning Trinity.
Heaven leaned forward breathlessly as God’s knee pressed into the soft earth. Their Master had never knelt before. With a calculated shove of His sleeves, the Creator plunged His spotlessly pure Hands into the loamy, fresh earth. As the fertile clay crept underneath His nails and yielded to His dream, His Holy Frame remained bent with the work at hand. His robe and wrist muddied and soiled, but He ardently fashioned a god-like form with face, flesh, and feeling. Then, as the tremor of angels hushed their song, God bowed lower to press His lips against the wet clay and breathe life into His earthen vessel.
When He smiled, all of the heavenlies in praise. Leaning back on His heels, God spoke aloud to express His innermost thoughts. “Man is not only good; he is perfect. Yes, this is Our very best work.”
Our Divine Potter muddied His Hands in our creation. Then, with the tenderest love, He kindled life within us, awakening and quickening us with holy Breath. As the animating wind of His Spirit filled our inanimate and lifeless bodies, we became a living soul (Genesis 2:7). How precious and valuable we must be to have the lips of the Creator suscitating our lungs.
On recounting her recent cruise to Alaska, my friend Jane spoke on the splendor of the seacoast cliffs along the Inside Passage. With crisp, mountain air in her nostrils, the salt spray on her face, and the majestic glaciers dwarfing the ship, Jane said her senses remained on full alert the entire voyage. At every turn, praise for her Creator rose within her to thank Him for His beauty.
Jane’s only challenge was the crowds. One day, she and her husband decided against the shore excursion, staying behind for a little personal space. Viewing the throng below, Jane felt her attitude sour as their noise disrupted the scenery’s tranquility. “Just then,” she explained thoughtfully, “It was as if the Father spoke directly to my heart. ‘Aren’t they majestic?’ He queried, focusing my attention on the masses below. As I stared to comprehend God’s meaning, He added, ‘People are My favorite part of all creation!’”
Stop for a moment to remind yourself that the negative voice you hear in your head is not the voice of Your Creator. Refresh your mind with the truth of your dignity by repeating (and even possibly memorizing) the words of the Psalmist. “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon, and the stars, which You have ordained; What is man, that You take thought of him? And the son of man, that You care for him? Yet You have made him a little lower than God and crowned him with glory and majesty! O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your Name in all the earth!” (Psalm 8:3-5,9)