Some things cannot be duplicated with words. I can’t adequately describe the experience of moving internationally, for all adjectives for the sights, sounds, and smells fall short. Suffice it to say we uprooted our family from rural America to metropolitan Asia. And we took along a two-year-old. Suddenly, the following will make perfect sense – no matter where you live. It …
The Genesis Gap
Death flew into our family that day on the wings of a storm-tossed, little bird. My thoughts struggled to find words of explanation. I knew the answer full-well but felt unprepared to explore the topic with my precious preschoolers. For days, our small Samsung TV tried valiantly to warn us of the pending deluge. Although our Chinese language was still …
The Strength of Joy
“How can the joy of the Lord be my strength?” It was the second time that I had heard that question within a few weeks. Two different friends. Two different situations. One similar struggle. I began to ponder the question myself. What does it mean for the joy of the Lord to be my strength? The oft-quoted verse is hidden …
His Love Sonnet to You
Happy Lover’s Day, My dear one. The world has set apart one day for lovers. Little do they understand that My love affair with you can’t be contained within just one day. How do I love thee, My sweet? Let me count the ways….. I love you with an honor that exalts you to the heights of …
His note
Dear Ones, I’ve been reading what you all have talked about regarding spiritual vision. It excites me that you realize that your physical eyes are not the ones that are most useful. You’ve spoken of seeing Me and seeing others as I do. But to date, you haven’t mentioned a thing about the way that I see you. …