By Kandy Persall I hate waste. I’m not sure if it stems from a childhood of pinching pennies or adulthood of recycling in Asia. Anyway, if something seems wasteful, it bothers me. The caveat is that what I consider waste is someone else’s need. I feel that buying tickets to a sporting event is an extravagance, but my husband swears …
A Day of Light
“He who practices the Truth comes to the light” (John 3:21). A room may look elegant and romantic by the flicker of candlelight, but expose it to the brightness of day and all inconsistencies become evident. The cracking paint, the peeling wallpaper, the dingy carpet. What low light masks; the sun’s rays accentuate. If we are truly …
Fundamentals of Unfulfillment
This wasn’t turning out like I had dreamed. I’d been called by God – called to go. And I’d been obedient, hadn’t I? We’d sold some things, given away others and said tearful goodbyes to loved ones. We’d packed what was left into a few bags and set our faces resolutely toward Asia. I’d given up all I …
Waste not, want not….
Chocolate malt-o-meal. My friend Scarlet loved it. “Well, you won’t like it”, Mother said matter-of-factly and then turned her back to all of those amazing boxes imprinted with very happy cartoon kangaroos. I didn’t let it rest. For the next several weeks, every trip to the market included my rehearsed request for this one additional item. …