Death flew into our family that day on the wings of a storm-tossed, little bird. My thoughts struggled to find words of explanation. I knew the answer full-well but felt unprepared to explore the topic with my precious preschoolers. For days, our small Samsung TV tried valiantly to warn us of the pending deluge. Although our Chinese language was still …
A Woman on a Mission
I swung the car door open with a flourish and stepped out with my list in one hand and a cloth grocery bag in the other. As I stepped quickly to the entrance of the supermarket, I passed the line of waiting carts and headed directly to the back of the store. The grandsons were visiting and we had …
To See His Work
I peered behind the curtained veil I held my breath to peek On He, Whose heart had captured mine With glorious mystique. I’d known Him since my childhood. He to my spirit came Upon my invitation And cleared my heart of blame. With childlike faith of simple trust His gospel I believed. Yet entered not into my soul All for …
“Yeah, right”
Since this new series is on marriage, I’m excited to announce that my husband, Mark will be joining me on a regular basis over the next several months. Today, he guest posts on a topic that is all too close to home for most marriages: arguments. Grab your spouse. You’ll want to read this one together. ——————————- “As young newlyweds, Kandy …
Advising God
“I don’t want to be God. But, I sure wish He would ask my advice sometimes.” Ever felt this way? But, life seldom unfolds as expected, and often, we would like to give God some pointers. Yet, who is truly qualified to give the directions? Someone who can make a plan, or the very One Who created every …
How’s Your Filter?
I was brushing my teeth when I heard them. Now, I’m not a morning person and don’t wake up easily, but these noises I recognized. My young daughters were in the kitchen together, “secretly” making us breakfast. “Don’t start the shower,” I told Mark. “We have to get back in bed and act surprised.” It took a while. …
The Voice from Heaven
You are sludging through days of dirty diapers, sticky chairs and mounds of laundry. You are in a situation that you very much want to get away from. You have a critical decision before you that will change the course of your life. Ever wish a voice from heaven would just speak to you? It is …