The malevolent edifice loomed large and expansive before me. As I craned my neck to see the top of the skyline, I felt the same awareness of height as when I visited the giant sequoia forest for the first time. This was nothing like I expected. I stepped back to inspect the width and noticed that the exterior wall encircled …
A Woman on a Mission
I swung the car door open with a flourish and stepped out with my list in one hand and a cloth grocery bag in the other. As I stepped quickly to the entrance of the supermarket, I passed the line of waiting carts and headed directly to the back of the store. The grandsons were visiting and we had …
Prayer for the Oppressed
Holy Father, As I bring (Name) before You today, I am aware there is evil that wants to kill, steal and destroy their family (John 10:10). This is always the mode of the devil. Sometimes he looks like a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8), sometimes like an angel (2 Corinthians 11:14), but his essence never changes. He is always …
Prayer Over the Messiness of Divorce
Holy Father, In my own inadequacy, I confess that I really don’t know how to pray for ________. Divorce is a messy, sticky, and often angering situation — a situation that no one expects to endure. I am comforted knowing that as I bring (Name)’s experience to Your Throne Room, I find Your Son there, already interceding for …
Warfare Prayer – Update
Over the past couple of years, as I have prayed this warfare prayer, the Father has revealed additional strength in His Word. I’ve updated the prayer below to include this authority, so that together we can be “strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might.” Print it out from the link at the end of the prayer, so you …
Prayer over Addiction
Father, Thank You for not only being the God Who releases captives (Isaiah 42:7), but the God Who sent Your Son specifically to release them (Luke 4:18). Your desire has always been that mankind can be fruitful and subdue the earth, not to have that which is earthly subdue us (Genesis 1:28). I come to You today …
Prayer for a Wayward Child
Holy Father, You promised that You will not break off a battered reed or put out a smoldering wick (Matthew 12:20). Yet, at this time, it seems that (parent’s names) are broken and snuffed out. We realize that Your ways are higher than our ways and Your thoughts much higher than ours (Isaiah 55:9), but this doesn’t seem …
Praying through the News
I confess to you that it’s often difficult to keep focused on things above…especially when our society seems to be chasing after things below. Thankfully, the Father has revealed a handful of verses that we can pray over most of the situations we hear or read about on the news. My prayer is that we can join our hearts together and bring light …
Terrorists and Tyrants
Dear Mentor, It seems that the news from around the world continues to spiral downward. From reports of Middle Eastern atrocities, the Ukraine crisis, the Ebola virus and the abduction of schoolgirls in Nigeria, I am so sickened by it that I swing between intense anxiety and turning a blind eye. I feel so ineffective and guilty for …
“Put on your mask first, then help the child”
“If there is a sudden change in cabin pressure, a mask compartment above your head will open automatically. If this happens, quickly reach for the nearest mask and pull it firmly to you; this will start the flow of oxygen. Please ensure the plastic bag is clear of the mask and attach the mask firmly to your face. Breathe normally. If …
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