The fatiguing day of verb conjugation at school burned out into an evening of conversational silence at home. Weeks prior, weariness had replaced the nine-month adventure of living abroad. Despite the buzz of traffic, drone of vendors, and hum of shoppers just outside our door, my husband and I habitually collapsed each night once our preschoolers drifted to sleep. As …
Simplicity: Deepening Your Relationships
This week, Hartlee Kirk sums up her series on simplicity by showing us how this extends to those around us. I love how she gives us the freedom to “wear” our simplicity according to our personality. What a blessing a few simple steps can extend to so many! Thanks, Hartlee. —————————- Simplicity can bless anybody, but looks different for …
Simplicity: Creating Healthy Calendars
Hartlee Kirk’s guest post rang true today as I watched my fellow train travelers. Eighty-five percent had their head in their phones with a percentage of the rest taking photos of themselves. No, the trip wasn’t a commuter train underground, but amidst some of the world’s most breath-taking mountains: the Swiss Alps. Thanks for reminding me to worship facing my Creator, …
Simplicity Starts at Home
I always wondered why my mother-in-law had an extra closet full of stuff she never wore and now I know! Thanks, guest blogger Hartlee Kirk for inspiring me to do a little spring cleaning in the fall! Bright white walls, a single firm couch without throw pillows, lackluster empty space. This is not my living room, nor do …