I’d read it before – that famous verse about the Spirit interceding for us according to the will of God. I’d skimmed over it more times than I’d read it – always in a hurry to get to the part where “everything works together for good.” But this time, I couldn’t get past those first few words: …
Pre-Packaged Religion
“Processed food is chemically altered by breaking down natural nutrients, then refortifying with synthetic vitamins. Every food item becomes exactly the same.” Although the statement addressed our society’s current eating habits, the truth reached far deeper in my soul than food. I began to ponder: If processed food is harmful for my body, what do processed Bible …
You are in Great Demand
Did you know you are sought after? No, really. There are at least two individuals who are daily and actively searching for you. They both care about what happens to you and what you do. (And I’m not including your mother as either of the two). One seeks to support you. The other to destroy you. …
Is This God at Work?
Dear Mentor, I feel that the Lord has been stirring in my heart to become more of a prayer warrior. As I have shared this with a few friends, I am surprised at the number of people that seem to be sensing the same thing. Do you think God is up to something right now? …
One Step Prayer
My dear child, I think there has been a misunderstanding. I’ve heard your prayers and they sound pious enough. You pray for patience, kindness, love. I agree those are good things. But, there is a shade of spiritual insight that you have missed. I do not give out “things”. I always and only give out the Person …
Don’t Miss Out
I could tell by the look on her face that Taiwan was going to be an experience for her. Maybe she didn’t realize that she was coming to a city of 3 million. Maybe she hadn’t heard that everyone spoke Chinese.Maybe it hadn’t registered that McDonalds wouldn’t be on every street corner. Whatever the cause, this rural …
The Why of Weakness
Ever so often, God deems it necessary to remind me of my weakness. Sometimes it is through sickness or pain. Sometimes through a person I can’t seem to get along with. Sometimes – through a situation I can’t control. And sometimes, unfortunately, it is because of my own hormones. Through each of these days (weeks, months, years….), …