O Holy Father, As we direct our eyes toward You today, we see You sitting in a place of splendor and majesty. “Strength and joy are in Your place,” and nothing is too difficult for You (1 Chronicles 16:27; Jeremiah 32:27). Thank You for opening the heavenlies that we might peer into this place of final reality (Revelation 4:1). With …
Quietening the Noise
Sometimes the noisiest place I can be is in the silence of my own thoughts. With so much changing information around us, it is no wonder that it’s difficult to settle my mind. Prayer, a promised source of solace and relief, becomes especially scattered when I am distracted by so many conflicting opinions. I desperately need a reset button within …
How to Find Solitude
“A gentleman was asked by an artist friend of some note to come to his home and see a painting just finished. He went at the time appointed, was shown by the attendant into a room which was quite dark, and left there. He was much surprised, but quietly waited developments. After perhaps fifteen minutes his friend came into the …
How a Necklace Impacted My Life
For as long as I can remember, one of my mother’s favorite pieces of jewelry was a mustard seed necklace. Dangling from a simple, inexpensive chain, a globe of glass encapsulated a tiny grain of mustard. It held no intrinsic value, but my mother’s estimation of it made it valuable to me: “You see, Kandy,” Mother explained, “This tiny little …
The Two Wills
Without the aid of lamp or oil, He returned to the garden, retracing steps now familiar to His dusty feet. The inky, upward slope leveled briefly toward its ascent, where a gnarly olive grove rose out of the rock. Shaded even in the moon’s glow, the moist breath of darkness exhaled the fragrance of pressed oil onto every snarled branch. …