I am very familiar with wind. I grew up with words like gusts and gale force and especially dread predictions of the “haboob” or wall of dust that frequents our area. So, when I discovered that the Greek word for “spirit” includes a definition meaning “a movement of air like the wind”, I sat up and took notice. …
Revisiting Trouble’s Trouble
In the allegory of my pet calf, Trouble, it hit home how ridiculous it is to expect a cow to do humanly tasks. No matter how much Trouble might want to help, it would be “udderly” impossible for him to do so (sorry…I couldn’t resist). The Trouble illustration has been good for me because it has revealed how …
You Can Stop Trying Harder
Thinking about a cow trying to help in the kitchen is a little absurd, huh? Yet, when we think that we can do something for God, it becomes just as ridiculous. Did you know that there is a New Testament word that sometimes uses this very definition? “Doing something in order to get God’s approval.” …