By: Myrna Weaver – Sanctuary City Intercessor “Dear Heavenly Father, You have drawn me aside to read I Samuel. The destruction of Eli’s family and the sins of Samuel’s sons are in this portion of scripture. I Samuel 2:12,17 says, “Now the sons of Eli were useless men; they did not know the Lord. And so the sin of the …
Dangerously Destructive to a Divine Degree
God desires to answer your prayer. He yearns for it as much as you do. How can I be sure? Because answered prayer glorifies Him, the very thing that He desires. When prayer is answered, praise automatically springs to life in our hearts. Think of an example in your life. When was a time that a supernatural answer came in …
Fire Fall
“(Elijah) built an altar…arranged the wood and cut the ox in pieces…and said, ‘O Lord…let it be known that Thou art God’…Then the fire of the Lord fell” (1 Kings 18:32-33,36,38). “Then David built an altar to the Lord there, and offered burnt offerings…and he called to the Lord and He answered him with fire from heaven” (1 Chronicles 21:26). …
The Roaring Lion
Our little prayer group agonizes week after week over devastation, divorce, and sometimes even death. New requests pour in; sometimes to such an extent as to overwhelm even our boldest prayer warrior. Yesterday, as we prayed, the Father reminded us to cast all our anxiety on Him, He cares. He called us to give thanks and embrace all …
Sacrificing My Praise
What if each time someone celebrated my skills Or expertise, I re-gifted the applause to the Father Instead of desiring an encore ovation? What if each time someone praised my wisdom Or education, I returned the accolade to the Lord Instead of celebrating with a personal party? What if each time my child scored a goal, made the grade, Or won an award, I restored the …
A Psalm for Thanksgiving
Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good. His love endures forever. He’s touched my heart, like none else could His love endures forever. Sing praise. Sing praise. When I am thinking thoughts of me His love endures forever. He still works within me secretly His love endures forever. Sing praise. Sing praise. When I …
Fly in the Appointment
“Good grief! When it rains, it pours.” It was my sister’s seventy-third birthday and she was celebrating with out-patient surgery. Four weeks prior, Kay had toppled off her front porch with a simple misstep. Although Kay had visited her local clinic, the first X-ray showed no sign of break. When the “bad sprain” seemed to get no better, a persistent …
The Grieving Tree
There is a tree in my neighborhood that makes me grieve every time I walk past. Tall and stately, it grew past the housetops years ago. Because we live in a semi-arid climate, I know this tree didn’t just appear on its own. It was once planted and watered by someone who desired its beauty and saw its potential of shade. …