I was tired when I awoke. It wasn’t outside noise or an anxious heart. It wasn’t my pillow or my mattress. it was my children. They had become artists. Now, not the experts using clay or watercolor, you understand. After all, they were only two and four. Yet, despite their preschool years, they had become masters. Masters of …
Terrible Threes
Dear Mentor, My three-year old daughter is still caught in the terrible twos. A drama queen, she has frequent melt-downs when she doesn’t get her way. My husband and I are at our wits-end listening to the excessive screams and find ourselves rushing to give her what she wants in order to avert the noise. When will this …
Afraid of Your Own Children?
Dear Mentor, I think that I may be afraid of my child. I find myself constantly trying to guess her whims, so I won’t have to deal with the tantrum that might follow. Do I really have to live like this? …
Prayer That Works (Even When You Are Not Looking)
This week, we are going to be hearing real life prayer experiences from real people, who struggle with how to pray just like you do. Our first, Laura Bohler when she was fresh out of college and on her way overseas. Because of our mutual interest in both the “Middle Kingdom” and the Heavenly One, I visited her …
Being; spilling into doing
“Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” (James 1:27) Doing is so much easier than being, don’t you think? When I read verses like this one, my immediate reaction is to bake a loaf …
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