The God of Laughter

Some things cannot be duplicated with words. I can’t adequately describe the experience of moving internationally, for all adjectives for the sights, sounds, and smells fall short. Suffice it to say we uprooted our family from rural America to metropolitan Asia.  And we took along a two-year-old. Suddenly, the following will make perfect sense – no matter where you live. It …


By Joyce Herron, Founder of Trinity Christian School, Lubbock, TX Invalidation is to reject, ignore, mock, judge or diminish someone’s feelings. Emotional abuse victims can become so convinced that they are worthless that they believe that no one else could want them. Their ultimate fear is being all alone. Recently, as I was reading John 5, I recalled a lesson …

Simplicity: Deepening Your Relationships

This week, Hartlee Kirk sums up her series on simplicity by showing us how this extends to those around us. I love how she gives us the freedom to “wear” our simplicity according to our personality. What a blessing a few simple steps can extend to so many! Thanks, Hartlee.   —————————- Simplicity can bless anybody, but looks different for …

Motherhood…The Original Robin Hood

Thanks Amanda Walker for visiting us as guest blogger again today. I always learn from your wisdom. —————————     “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He …

The “Inconvenience” of Parenthood

Amanda Taylor Walker is guest posting with us again today. I’m so thankful to have her in my life.    Today she gives us an excellent word regarding living in the trenches of parenthood.    ————————–   When I was 27 years old my doctor told me that I would probably never have children. At that time I was single, and …

Flashlight Tag and Comparison

  Carrie Vipperman joins us at Hungry For More again today. I love her depth of spirit and perception, especially as she seeks the Lord. Thanks Carrie for reminding us of what is really important.   ———————- “But, Mo-o-o-m, his headlamp BLI-I-NKS!!”   Just like that, all the joy that my little girl had felt from our time playing as a family …

Dancing to the Devil

  In fact, mothering is not for the faint of heart.   It’s not so much the diapers, the vomit, or the urine. In all of these situations you can find quick, clean air behind you. Just turn your head and breathe over your shoulder. It’s there every time.   No, the real challenge of motherhood begins when your child …

Thoughts on Liquor (“see beer”) and Other Unsolicited Advice

I loved this recent post by Karen Dilbeck and just had to share it. I think that you will love it, too! ———————— “As we dumped each of our three boys at their respective colleges, I slipped an envelope onto their pillows.   That envelope contained two decades of brilliant advice on many of the intricacies of life from road trips and …