“Not everyone likes to hear you talk as much as you do, Mom!” As my daughter left the room, I felt her words pierce my heart. After a good cry, I went to talk the the Lord about it. I found out that He agreed with her. Granted, He said it in a much gentler fashion, but I hadn’t listened to Him, until …
The Mothering Melt-Down
I began crying a full nine months before the event. No, it was not an unexpected pregnancy—quite the opposite. My eldest daughter was graduating from high school, and I was not sure I would survive. From August to June, Hannah’s days were filled with drama practice, yearbook meetings, and trips to the village with friends. Mine were …
Thoughts on Liquor (“see beer”) and Other Unsolicited Advice
I loved this recent post by Karen Dilbeck and just had to share it. I think that you will love it, too! ———————— “As we dumped each of our three boys at their respective colleges, I slipped an envelope onto their pillows. That envelope contained two decades of brilliant advice on many of the intricacies of life from road trips and …