I stood at the edge of the precipice, afraid to look down. Stepping as far as I dared, my knees trembled, and my heart palpitated wildly. I was here by choice, knowing that remaining in safety wouldn’t do. Before me lay the proof of the waters I’d heard. Tumbling freight train loud and hurricane strong, the falls poured straight down from an unknown source …
Frozen with Fear
When my heart is full, I feel I can speak to God freely and confidently. I delight in His Presence and find it easy to sing with joyful thanksgiving. I’m like a rich woman with large sums to bring to the temple’s treasury. Because I have an abundance, I hardly miss my offering. But in the days of drought, when …
Nothing in the House
“Your maidservant has nothing in the house except a flask of oil.” My eyes fell upon these words as the three of us bowed quietly in prayer. On the table before us were pages of prayer requests, many of which we would never cover. Friends and family all around us were necessitous of our intercession, yet I …
The Dad Call
“Hi, Mom….Ummmm….is dad there?” This phone greeting was a regular occurrence during our girls’ college years. It’s not that I didn’t talk to them. We talked a lot. We talked about dating, classes, papers, friends and outings. I spent hours on the phone listening to tiny details of who wore what, who went where, and who …