by Joyce Herron Founder of Trinity Christian School, Lubbock, Texas Recently, I spent four days at a ranch for a short vacation. Fourteen others were there, too, but I only knew three of them. Among the group were business owners, doctors, nurses, teachers, and parents whose ages ranged from 50-something to 90-something. We met each morning for breakfast around a …
Four Things Every Child Should Know
By Joyce Herron – Founder of Trinity Christian School, Lubbock, Texas In a couple of months, I will be 90 years old. As I look back and ponder more than 42 years in education, growing up in a family of eight, coaching at a family coaching center, and time spent with my own family, I asked myself, “What are the …
I Will Rest Secure
By: Joyce Herron, Founder of Trinity Christian School, Lubbock It was 3:15 a.m. on Monday, July 28, 1999. I was sitting on the only seat in my house, not on bricks or stilts. Being a person who likes order, I tried to make some sense of the week I had just experienced. My last day at work before some off …