I ducked my head and stepped into the cramped, dank room. Pausing to let my eyes adjust to the inky darkness, a hundred beady eyes glared my way. Distrust and fear seemed to be a prerequisite for entry and I felt a still, small voice checking my motive. I took a deep breath and stepped onto the dingy floor. I …
The Spark of Anger
Dear Mentor, My anger continues to get the best of me. I seem to erupt over the smallest thing lately. Can you help? Signed, Burning Dear Burning, Nature teaches us that …
Prayer That Works (Even When You Are Not Looking)
This week, we are going to be hearing real life prayer experiences from real people, who struggle with how to pray just like you do. Our first, Laura Bohler when she was fresh out of college and on her way overseas. Because of our mutual interest in both the “Middle Kingdom” and the Heavenly One, I visited her …