Death flew into our family that day on the wings of a storm-tossed, little bird. My thoughts struggled to find words of explanation. I knew the answer full-well but felt unprepared to explore the topic with my precious preschoolers. For days, our small Samsung TV tried valiantly to warn us of the pending deluge. Although our Chinese language was still …
Your Way Was in the Sea
I’m super excited about today’s post. Carrie Vipperman has guest posted for us before, but something about today’s post spoke specifically to you. Pretty sure it will grant you fresh insight as well. Thanks, Carrie, for sharing from your heart. These aren’t just words, this are what E.M. Bounds calls “spiritual unction!” ——————- “I don’t remember the exact …
Two Perspectives
“Repeat after me. ‘Ruh-now.’ After a month and a half of Mandarin classes, I was accustomed to the drill. When Lu LaoShr introduced new vocabulary words, we were to repeat them before learning what we’d said. “Ruh-now,” I recited, thankful this one didn’t include that tongue twisting “jrz” sound. Using only Chinese words I already knew, Lu LaoShr began …