The Light in Hand

Flecks of pink and orange winked at us between the needles of shortleaf pine. Turning off the Blue Ridge Parkway, my husband geared down our car to ascend into a higher elevation. The December sun descended quickly, and by the time we located our last turn, darkness enveloped our Honda CRV. Night falls rapidly in the Smokies. Parking on the gravel drive, we …

Playing Games

  We are a gaming family. Spades. Fishbowl. Catch Phrase. When we get together, our activities often include board games. Over the years of competition, our individual personalities come out. Some play to win. Others play to giggle.   To the annoyance of the more competitive, I’m in the latter category. I participate to tell and hear funny stories. The …

Restore the Glory

  Glory to God and Peace toward men.   Isn’t it funny how we spend most of our lives trying to reverse the order?   We glorify man and expect God to be at peace with our action.   We garner glory for beauty, creativity, wisdom, and skill — all gifts given to us by heaven’s grace.   We struggle between a lack of …