I swung the car door open with a flourish and stepped out with my list in one hand and a cloth grocery bag in the other. As I stepped quickly to the entrance of the supermarket, I passed the line of waiting carts and headed directly to the back of the store. The grandsons were visiting and we had …
Three Spiritual Principles for Parenting
As a parent, you long for the days that are calm without the challenge. Now that I am out of the daily grind of parenting, I can reflect more clearly on truths that I wish I had better practiced. 1. My goal should have been to train them to be heaven-focused, not self-focused. My goal was not to keep the peace. …
Good Good Parent
I’m excited to welcome Hartlee Kirk back to Hungry For More this week. If you read her last post, she was awaiting the birth of her son. Anderson finally arrived and the new family is doing great. So great in fact, that their story will once again touch your heart. ————————- I stood there, eyes brimming with tears, …
Motherhood: Who’s the Real Maker?
When I asked Martha Kirk to do a couple of guest posts for me, I had no idea that she would ask her daughter-in-law, Hartlee Kirk, to do one of the posts. If you have read Martha’s recent post, you know that she actually wrote about her prayers for Hartlee, even before they knew one another. And today, we have the joy …
The “Inconvenience” of Parenthood
Amanda Taylor Walker is guest posting with us again today. I’m so thankful to have her in my life. Today she gives us an excellent word regarding living in the trenches of parenthood. ————————– When I was 27 years old my doctor told me that I would probably never have children. At that time I was single, and …
Parenting the Selfies
I was tired when I awoke. It wasn’t outside noise or an anxious heart. It wasn’t my pillow or my mattress. it was my children. They had become artists. Now, not the experts using clay or watercolor, you understand. After all, they were only two and four. Yet, despite their preschool years, they had become masters. Masters of …
Terrible Threes
Dear Mentor, My three-year old daughter is still caught in the terrible twos. A drama queen, she has frequent melt-downs when she doesn’t get her way. My husband and I are at our wits-end listening to the excessive screams and find ourselves rushing to give her what she wants in order to avert the noise. When will this …
Afraid of Your Own Children?
Dear Mentor, I think that I may be afraid of my child. I find myself constantly trying to guess her whims, so I won’t have to deal with the tantrum that might follow. Do I really have to live like this? …
Your Best Resolution
My dear child, Every year at this time, you seek to make new resolutions. Sometimes it has to do with habits of eating – sometimes with habits of attitude – sometimes with habits of diligence. But rarely, if ever, are those goals sustained. Ever wonder why? It’s because they are always about you. You are still …