Holy Father, Thank You for embodying the complete character of Love (1 John 4:16). In the midst of this crazy generation, we need desperately to see past the present and gaze into the eternal. As I remember Your everlasting Presence today, remind me of the unsearchable qualities of Your love. * You are patient with me (1 Corinthians 13:4). You …
Awakening From a Spiritual Winter
Spring. A time of daffodils, crocus and tulips. Vibrant with color and bursting with life. But, I’ve discovered that bulbs aren’t the only things that bloom in spring. Weeds are also popping their unwelcome sprouts out of the ground. At first, it’s hard to tell the difference between the two. Both are a tiny, green blade. …
What I Heard
I was a very immature sixteen-year-old. So, when the Father said: “I chose you …to bear fruit…that should remain.” (John 15:16) I heard: “Kandy, you are to evangelize the world.” I mean after all, that is what my church taught me “fruit” meant. If you have been a Christian for any length of time, …
Show Me
“Prove It!” I loved this book. An easy reader, every page included step-by-step instructions for simple “science” experiments” with stuff you already had around the house. Perfect for my then budding research career. Although I loved watching the way that soap repelled floating pepper, I don’t know that I actually ever proved anything. I was much …