Zephare Ramirez Associate Pastor of Lubbock Dream Center Obedience. That’s a tough word. Depending on your background, it can be a word that triggers some very unhealthy thoughts and perspectives. Looking back now, I realize everything buried in my marriage was surfacing because it was now time to deal with it. Landing us with one particularly bad argument. It was …
Crisis Praying
Holy Father, As we come to You, we have so much to thank You for. We call upon Your Name and remember Your wonderful deeds which You have already done in ______’s life. (List out some incidents in which You can truly thank Him in this person’s life). Yes, Father we speak of all Your wonders and glory …
The Voice from Heaven
You are sludging through days of dirty diapers, sticky chairs and mounds of laundry. You are in a situation that you very much want to get away from. You have a critical decision before you that will change the course of your life. Ever wish a voice from heaven would just speak to you? It is …