Before time existed, the Fire burned. This blazing Fire ignites character, consuming one and sparking another into a warm glow. Those that stand the test of fire kindle into a pinpoint of light to shine within darkness. They themselves are not the Fire but re-present the Flame, like an ever-ready pilot light. You are that pilot light. Small but unquenchable, …
Christ in the Midst of Chaos
When fear of the coronavirus first appeared on the scene, I began to hear these words piecing my heart. As our world began its journey with social distancing and sheltering in place, I heard it again. Then while tempers flared into riots and chaos, Apostle John’s simple words pounded in my soul a third time: “As He is, so also …
Power Printable
Holy Father, Thank You that You reign, high and lifted up, over all the nations (Psalm 47:8). You reign over both the nations here on earth as well as all spiritual principalities in the heavenlies. You even rule over those set up against acknowledging You (Ephesians 6:12). You, O Lord, are the Ancient of Days — the One Who is above …
The Sparks of Marriage and Other Flames
I think that this must have been my mother’s mantra. When I whined about doing something I didn’t want to do, she most often found a way to slip this into the conversation. “Don’t forget the Golden Rule,” she would remind. So as an adult, I’m often reminded to think through how I want to be treated …
A Glimpse of Brilliance
“…the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold…” 1 Peter 1:7 The more that I learn about the process of refining gold, the more I learn that there is no set process. Although the same basic methods are utilized, the order may be somewhat changed according to the properties of the original ore. Our …