By: Magen Thetford “God created us to be human beings, but we often turn ourselves into human doings.” The comment was made briefly at a recent dinner with friends, and I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. I recently had my third child and am just barely coming up for air now and then. Yet there …
How Can This Be?
As I read the Christmas story afresh this year, two questions reverberate within me. “How shall I know?” and “How can this be?” Zachariah, an elderly priest asked the first (Luke 1:18). Mary, a simple, teenaged girl, the second (Luke 1:34). Obviously Zachariah was a man of prayer for the angel assured him, “Your petition has …
The Home Button
Moving from a simple flip phone to an iPhone was not easy for me. My Motorola basically worked like my microwave: open door, push buttons. The iPhone had a bizillion options and every time I turned around someone told me of a great new app that “I had to have”. My salvation with the new phone …
From Glory to Glory
“Show me Your glory,” I sang. From the depths of my soul, I craved Him Or so I assumed. “Show me Your glory,” I asserted. And went to religion with pick and shovel as a gold miner Seeking his fortune. “Show me Your glory,” I maintained. Perseveringly. Determined. I exerted to find the interior, Desiring the depths, …
To See His Work
I peered behind the curtained veil I held my breath to peek On He, Whose heart had captured mine With glorious mystique. I’d known Him since my childhood. He to my spirit came Upon my invitation And cleared my heart of blame. With childlike faith of simple trust His gospel I believed. Yet entered not into my soul All for …
100% Juice
I love passion fruit. Although it is a little shriveled on the outside, it holds a delightful tart-sweet flavor within. I had my first passion fruit at a local buffet in Taiwan. Nestled among the bananas and mango, the dark purple passion fruit had been sliced open to reveal the edible bright orange seed sacs. Like nothing I’d …
Being; spilling into doing
“Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” (James 1:27) Doing is so much easier than being, don’t you think? When I read verses like this one, my immediate reaction is to bake a loaf …