Zephare Ramirez Associate Pastor of Lubbock Dream Center Obedience. That’s a tough word. Depending on your background, it can be a word that triggers some very unhealthy thoughts and perspectives. Looking back now, I realize everything buried in my marriage was surfacing because it was now time to deal with it. Landing us with one particularly bad argument. It was …
Respond or React?
By: Linda Merriott Anger. We all have lost our temper at times. But when anger becomes a predominant emotion, we have a problem. The Bible says ugly, hateful words should never come from our mouths, but if we grew up in angry homes, we learned how easily tempers can flare (Ephesians 4:29-32 The Passion). When we become parents, we tend …
A Day of Light
“He who practices the Truth comes to the light” (John 3:21). A room may look elegant and romantic by the flicker of candlelight, but expose it to the brightness of day and all inconsistencies become evident. The cracking paint, the peeling wallpaper, the dingy carpet. What low light masks; the sun’s rays accentuate. If we are truly …
“Yeah, right”
Since this new series is on marriage, I’m excited to announce that my husband, Mark will be joining me on a regular basis over the next several months. Today, he guest posts on a topic that is all too close to home for most marriages: arguments. Grab your spouse. You’ll want to read this one together. ——————————- “As young newlyweds, Kandy …
Marital Distance
Dear Mentor, My husband and I have fallen into a bad cycle of relating. I tend to sin when I am sinned against. When he is angry or frustrated, it hurts and I respond in anger, coldness, and distance. I prolong the bad situation even after he is ready to reconcile. How do I get off this ferris wheel? …
Afraid of Your Own Children?
Dear Mentor, I think that I may be afraid of my child. I find myself constantly trying to guess her whims, so I won’t have to deal with the tantrum that might follow. Do I really have to live like this? …
The Spark of Anger
Dear Mentor, My anger continues to get the best of me. I seem to erupt over the smallest thing lately. Can you help? Signed, Burning Dear Burning, Nature teaches us that …
What I Heard
I was a very immature sixteen-year-old. So, when the Father said: “I chose you …to bear fruit…that should remain.” (John 15:16) I heard: “Kandy, you are to evangelize the world.” I mean after all, that is what my church taught me “fruit” meant. If you have been a Christian for any length of time, …
The Danger of Anger
Today’s guest blogger is someone that I know quite well – my husband, Mark. I asked him to present this particular verse because he is a man of authority in this realm. His life is a consistent overflow of the righteousness of God, not his own anger. (Am I blessed or what?) ——————————————- “For the anger of man does …
Think About It
I’m excited to introduce this week’s guest blogger, Charles Westbrook. Author of four books, Charles also spent twenty-five years in East Asia. Today’s post is an excerpt from his most recent devotional, Fresh Daily II. Explore this and other works by Charles at his site. These thoughts are so vital to us whether our day will be spent …