By: Amanda Taylor Walker For the past six weeks, I have been in a cycle of fear, faith, rationale, and back to fear. For most of my life, fear has been a struggle for me. But I have not experienced this type of cycle before now. In my battle, it has been a fear versus faith cycle. However, in this world …
The Infighting
Amanda Walker returns this week with passion and a punch. Her heart is truly Hungry For More of Jesus. May every Christian drop sectarianism to allow the Spirit to live His Life within. This year has been a tough one. A reckoning has occurred in my small part of the world as I’ve struggled to know who to trust. I’ve …
Surviving an F3
Let me begin this introduction to say that I really love this girl. Over the past 18 years, we’ve prayed together, cried together, and laughed together until we’ve snorted. But what especially endears me to Amanda Walker is her ability to grapple with truth. Today’s post is no exception. She will have you grappling too. On April 25th, 2019 an …
A New Look
Welcome to my updated website. Look around. Click some links. Help me discover blips in wording or technology as we make final adjustments. Sign up now for an email version of my blog. I hope to be sending out my posts via email in a couple of months. This allows each weekly post to come to you directly without relying on …
Motherhood…The Original Robin Hood
Thanks Amanda Walker for visiting us as guest blogger again today. I always learn from your wisdom. ————————— “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He …
The “Inconvenience” of Parenthood
Amanda Taylor Walker is guest posting with us again today. I’m so thankful to have her in my life. Today she gives us an excellent word regarding living in the trenches of parenthood. ————————– When I was 27 years old my doctor told me that I would probably never have children. At that time I was single, and …
How Much of Jesus Do You Want?
I’m excited to have Amanda Walker guest blogging with us today. We met in 2001, when she was just out of college. Amanda has her own book coming out later this year on the Biblical Woman. She continues to challenge me with her depth and push for more of Jesus. You just gotta love this girl. ———————————- This past …
The Day God Rolled His Sleeves
The inky dark, The empty space The blank and shapeless void. The nothingness With lifeless form Of motion yet devoid. Into the black Now burst His glow With Holy Brilliance ‘Round. Expansive surge With Energy His purpose would abound. “Let there be light,” And it was so Vivacious was His Word. His Tongue, a Sword Of power …