Lavishness leapt up at us the minute we signed for delivery. Three oversized boxes awaited us at our Taiwanese gatehouse, and we were glad both of us came to collect. Their bulk and weight would have proved an unmanageable challenge for just one person. A couple we knew in grad school had asked us to send their church our family’s …
Frozen with Fear
When my heart is full, I feel I can speak to God freely and confidently. I delight in His Presence and find it easy to sing with joyful thanksgiving. I’m like a rich woman with large sums to bring to the temple’s treasury. Because I have an abundance, I hardly miss my offering. But in the days of drought, when …
There are two states of mind. One that needs more. One that has enough. The first are “like greedy dogs, they are never satisfied” (Isaiah 56:11 NLT). The second is satisfied from the first moment of their waking (Psalm 17:15). The first eats more, drinks more, and buys more, but can never be fulfilled. …
Fill ‘er up
“My cup overflows” (Psalm 23:5). Ever been to a restaurant where you asked for refills on something you thought was free – only to find out that you paid for each and every time the waiter brought you a new glass? Yeah, me too. It’s not a pleasant experience, huh? It woulda helped to know which beverage …