Playing the Fool

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April Fool’s Day.


It’s the day when we are either planning a trick or remembering one that was played on us. 


But, I wonder how often we use this day to allow the Father to open our eyes to see how we are fooling ourselves? 


Mine came on an April day many years ago when I was reading through the Old Testament. I’d always enjoyed delving into 1 Samuel. I love the story about Hannah’s sincere prayer and God’s gracious answer. (1 Samuel 1:9-18)  I enjoyed the rereading about little boy Samuel, who hears the Lord and learns to respond, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3:1-10)


Yet, on this particular day, my heart stopped as I read a passage sandwiched between these two accounts. 


Before God spoke to young Samuel, He had already talked to priest Eli about the very same thing. 


God didn’t mince any words with Eli. 


And as He spoke to me, they cut to the root of my hidden sin. I heard His Word as if He directed them precisely at me: 


“Why do you …. honor your (daughters) above Me?” (1 Samuel 2:29)


In trying to be the “perfect” mother, I had given my girls the importance that belonged to God. 


I knew it was true. My actions bore it out.


When they whined to me, I had jumped to satisfy their needs.


When God called, I’d put Him off.


When my daughters expressed a need for me above all others,

I had preened in the dependance and exalted myself in a place of honor. 


When God whispered a desire for my time,

I had dutifully given Him the least amount possible. 


I wonder:


Is there someone (or something) in your life

that you have actually exalted above your Father?


If so, know that your attitude toward them is weakening your prayers


You see, even though I was religiously praying for my children, my prayer had no real power because my desire was to glorify them, not God.


On this day of the fool, will you allow the Lord to reveal areas in your life that you have ranked above Him? 


Do you truly want power in prayer? 


Then hear His secret:


“Those who honor Me, I will honor, and those who despise Me will be lightly esteemed.” (1 Samuel 2:30). 


Efforts to please yourself never come to a good end (1 Samuel 4:11-18).


More on Power in Prayer:

The Power of Deceit

The Prayer of Preparation

Positioning Under the Light

