How to Self-Feed during Seclusion

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Have you noticed that what once seemed enough for spiritual needs, is now lacking to keep you anxiety-free? Without exception, everyone I talk to honestly admits a daily struggle for a peaceful mind. I struggle to maintain a sound mind myself. 

European pastors notice the same difficulty in their congregations. Gripped with fear and unable to find a refuge, these parishioners report feeling helpless to control their fear.  Several weeks ahead of us on this journey, their pastors and teachers pinpoint the source to an inability to self-feed spiritually. 

I wonder if we don’t share some of these same deficiencies?

Self-feeding on God’s Word is messy. Like a baby’s first attempt to feed himself, some learn quickly and others more slowly. Not every bite is digested for nourishment, as many end up on the floor. I’m encouraged that when I “miss my mouth” feeding on God, it’s merely a natural part of my training. 

On my part, I am thankful that these uncertain days have stimulated my hunger and desire to “eat this Book.” When I find it difficult to concentrate on God’s Word, I fill my plate again with finger foods like a Bible promise book. Returning to bite-sized portions keeps me eating even when I have a stir of distractions present.

Despite social distancing, inexpensive copies of Bible promise books are available in various translations. Although there are also a handful of apps available, I haven’t found an online promise app with the depth of verses that the printed booklets offer. I have discovered however that my favorite, “The Jesus Person Promise Book” is available digitally. No matter which one you purchase, compare how many verses the booklet contains before you buy. A broader selection will serve you better in the long run. 

When you are ready to begin, merely turn to one of the topics, and slowly read the first few verses. Pause a moment when a particular scripture stirs your heart. What situation or person comes immediately to mind? Reread the verse, using the words as your basis for prayer. 

For instance, maybe you choose the sub-topic, “Do you have doubts and fears?” (Your sub-topics will vary according to the promise book you choose. Let’s say Isaiah 41:10 stirs your heart. “Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed; I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious Right Hand (Living Bible).” 

Pause to see if He will bring to mind another truth. If so, look it up in the Word. If you can’t remember where it is located, type as much as you can remember into your computer’s search engine. Adding the word “verse” at the end of your search will get you directly to Scripture options.

If another verse doesn’t come to mind, continue your prayer, by reading another few verses, while following the same method. You may find that you are praying several verses about the same situation/person, or that you are praying for several individual situations. Either is fine. Your emphasis is to believe in His direction, not get through a list. 

Let’s allow this time of sheltering at home to kindle the ability to self-feed on His Word. May you see His Presence as you navigate uncertain days.