A Reason for Thanksgiving

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Without the ability to deceive…(Hebrews 7:26 TPT)”

This promise causes the strings of my soul to vibrate with melody. There remains One Who rings true amid a climate of discord and manipulation. My heart rejoices with unbridled thankfulness, for I have a God Who cannot lie.

Ponder this astounding thought:

Because Our God lacks the capacity to mislead, He, in fact, restricts what He can do. He can never and will never falsify, fabricate, or misinterpret. Although He has unlimited potential, the Omniscient One has limited Himself to never twist or bend the Truth. Not only does He choose not to deceive, He cannot.

His Word isn’t just accurate; He is the standard for Truth. 

God, Who does not lie” needs no administrative selections other than that of His own Son and Holy Spirit (Titus 1:2). He never needs to renounce previous practices to garner support. He has no media team to edit His Words and cover His true intentions, for He always says what He means and means what He says. It is literally impossible for Him to misspeak (Hebrews 6:18).

So, no matter what we hear on the news, what manipulation is spoken, or what exaggeration is told, we have One within us “without the ability to deceive” us. Never. Ever.

For that, I’m genuinely thankful.

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